Sharpstock 1 - Model Knife
by Moah. Jan 2008. Sharpstock 1 (25 cm) is a knife sculputure that may be used as a multipurpose actual knife. Forged and built by the author at Paulo Ramalho's workshop (Joao Pessoa - PB, Brazil) on 440 steel with blade guard in brass and Jacaranda wood double sided attached handle. Inspired by Recife's sharks the sculputure keeps its brut de forge and expresses the sharpness of Loyalty.
This sculpture might be acquired by the value of USD 1 million. Interested parties in having the sculpture as a property are kindly required to contact for further inquires about shipping and handling costs.
This sculpture might be acquired by the value of USD 1 million. Interested parties in having the sculpture as a property are kindly required to contact for further inquires about shipping and handling costs.