Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sharpstock 1 - Model Knife

by Moah. Jan 2008. Sharpstock 1 (25 cm) is a knife sculputure that may be used as a multipurpose actual knife. Forged and built by the author at Paulo Ramalho's workshop (Joao Pessoa - PB, Brazil) on 440 steel with blade guard in brass and Jacaranda wood double sided attached handle. Inspired by Recife's sharks the sculputure keeps its brut de forge and expresses the sharpness of Loyalty.

This sculpture might be acquired by the value of USD 1 million. Interested parties in having the sculpture as a property are kindly required to contact for further inquires about shipping and handling costs.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Green Burracheira 1992 - A classic painting by Moah

by Moah. Pic by Stacy Bittencourt. Green Burracheira 1992. Oily Pastel on wood board. 150x150 cm.
This painting might be acquired by the value of USD 5 million. Interested parties in having the painting as a property are kindly required to contact for further inquires about shipping and handling costs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Golden Fields of February - a painting of the flavour of winds

by Moah. Acrylic on Canvas. Feb 2008. 50x200 cm. Central detail.
This painting might be acquired by the value of USD 2 million. Interested parties in having the painting as a property are kindly required to contact for further inquires about shipping and handling costs.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

A photo Essay on the Dicotomy of Knowledge and the Waves of Reason

A self-pic by Moah from a cel phone camera

Concretism at last
from waves to rays
from rays to flavours
from flavours to taste
from taste to sight
from sight to insight
from insight to desire
from desire to action
from action to disturbance
from disturbance to Peace
from Peace to Love
from Love to Love
Concretism at last