Saturday, April 09, 2011

God is Brazilian! That is why the world is such a mess...

Painting by Moah. April 9th 2011. "Deus é Brasileiro! é por isso que o mundo tá essa zona...". 18x45 cm. Water markers on canson with silver metalic drops. This art work may be yours for half a million USD. Double click on to enlarge and see details. Interested parties are kindly requested to contact for terms and conditions.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Rio para não chorar

Design by Moah and art by Geyse Costa. April 8th 2011. A polemic image essay on the yesterday's school children slaughter in Rio: 12 shot dead. 10 girls. 2 boys. 1 murderer. 197 million Brazilians shocked.


Monday, April 04, 2011

A sole sailboat at Sao Marcos Bay on the way to Alcantara - Maranhao, Brazil

Pic by Moah. April 2nd 2011.